Posted in Family memories, How do we homeschool....

6 Things I learned about Cherry Picking

What is with this time of the year? It’s insane how, as much as I try to rest and chill – the more activity pops up and all of the dreams I had to sit and blog my heart away, are “poof!” – gone. I’ve just had to come to terms with the fact that my life is continuously busy and I’m just going to have to snatch as many ‘me’ moments as I can. This would be to do the things that I want to do and hopefully make awesome memories with my family.

Talking about memories with family. Continue reading “6 Things I learned about Cherry Picking”

Posted in A moms opinion, Shaveh

My “Silly Season” is over!

December is kind of here and I can already feel the buzz in the air as schools start to close, parents start to schedule their last few play dates and shops just become just a little bit more unbearable than usual. Yip, and our city becomes this little honey pot that all of the other South African bees rush to. The roads become silly and everything in general becomes silly. Bank accounts get siphoned for all things Christmas and school stuff for next year. Continue reading “My “Silly Season” is over!”